The Importance of Financial Planning

Mike's Aha Moment


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Mike Lisle

My "A-Ha Moment" came in the mid 1990's. My father passed away in his early 50's without sufficient life insurance or retirement plans to take care of my mother. At the age of 52 my mother, who raised three sons while helping with the family business, had to enter the work force to just make ends meet. She watched as the family business was pieced apart at an auction; and she still didn't earn enough money to support herself and to pay her husband's final expenses. She faced the reality of having to qualify her working hours so she could draw from social security when the time came. She had to begin her retirement planning late in life. That was just the beginning; and it wasn't fair to someone who invested so much time into their marriage, family and business.

No one had contacted my parents to talk about retirement planning so they could set up a plan, a course of action to reach a goal. No one had contacted my parents to ensure they had sufficient life insurance in place to protect the loved ones left behind. No one had contacted my parents to discuss business continuation planning.

The thought of all my mother was going through was almost more than I could bear. It became my passion to do all I could so this doesn't happen to anybody else. I immediately began my new career as a financial advisor. I contact as many individuals and businesses as I can to let them know how they can protect all they have worked for, protect their loved ones, and to plan for a comfortable retirement.

It's very much a part of the culture of Lisle Financial Group, LLC to not let this happen to anyone else. It is our passion, our very reason to come to work every day to make sure we help as many people as we can.